Vedi tutti - Travi A T Composte I-Joists Offerte

Vendo Travi A T Composte (I-Joists) Abete - Legni Bianchi Romania

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Tipo Travi a T Composte (I-Joists)
Tipo di specie Resinosi europei
Specie Abete (Picea abies) - Legni bianchi


Volume 550 m3 al mese Convertire
Spessore delle travi 24-42; 48-74; mm
Larghezza delle travi 25+ mm
Lunghezza delle travi 3+ m
Certificazione FSC
Layered lamellar elements for construction are produced in two or more layers in two ways: - Thickness: 74 mm Width: 88-95 mm Length: 500-3000 mm - Three-layered lamelar elements joined together: Thickness: 74 Mm Width: 87-95 mm Length: 6000 mm Lamellar elements for carpentry are made of either two layers for interior or three layers for exterior, in two ways: -Double lamellar and three-layered fixed elements: Thickness: 48-74 mm Width: 120-145 mm Length: 500-3000 mm -Double lamelar elements and three-ply jointed in the teeth: Thickness: 48-74 mm Width: 120-145 mm Length: 6000 mm Panels: Thickness: 24-42 mm Width: 650mm Length : 6000 mm CC beams: Thickness: 25-100 mm Width: 25-500mm Length: 6000 mm - Translated with google

Prezzi e condizioni

Prezzo Su richiesta EUR per m3 Convertire
Vende a: In tutto il mondo


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