According to the current flash estimate, the container throughput index of the RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) rose slightly in April 2024 compared to the previous month to a seasonally adjusted 128.8 points.
In European ports, container throughput fell by almost 8% compared to the previous month. This means that it has lost a large part of the strong increase in the previous month. The North Range Index, which provides information on economic developments in the northern euro area and in Germany, fell from 115.2 to 106.1 points in April compared to the previous month. Overall, however, container throughput still indicates a gradual recovery in Europe. In Chinese ports, on the other hand, container throughput rose quite significantly from 139.2 points in the previous month to 143.5 points.
RWI economic chief Torsten Schmidt says of the development of the container handling index: "Container handling is once again close to its long-term trend. This means that world trade has also overcome the recent pressures. However, given the global geopolitical and trade policy tensions, the potential for a stronger increase is low."