Prodotto |
Tipo | Set da Giardino |
Stile | Tradizionale |
Tipi Materiali Principale | Resinosi europei |
Materiale Principale | Douglas (Pseudotsuga), Abete (Picea abies) - Legni bianchi |
Specifiche |
Volume | 1 - 100 pezzi al mese Convertire |
Descrizione |
Seating areas and benches are the focal point of every garden and every terrace. For garden and patio furniture, we mainly use wood from Douglas fir and spruce. Whether rustic seating group made of debarked round wood or an elegant single piece. We plan, manufacture and engrave according to your wishes and specifications. Some finished and engraved seating groups are available for sale. - Translated with google
Prezzi e condizioni |
Prezzo | Su richiesta EUR per pezzi Convertire |
Vende a: | In tutto il mondo |
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