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Vendo Segati Refilati Tauari 23; 38; 52 mm Portogallo

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Tipo Segati Refilati
Tipo di specie Legno tropicale latino-americano
Specie Tauari


Volume 2 - - Container 40' al mese Convertire
Spessore 23; 38; 52 mm  Convertire
Larghezza 130; 150; 200; 330; 350+ mm Convertire
Lunghezza 900-6000 mm Convertire
Sistema di classificazione -
Qualità A
Essicazione essicato a forno (KD)
  • File di specifica1
  • Descrizione
    Wood is a natural product, features, depending on the species, different patterns and shades, always with an incomparable beauty and distinction.

    Globaldis have normally in stock a wide range of wood species, certified or controlled, from North America, South America, Africa and Europe origin. Furthermore, Globaldis have the optimum conditions, capacity and expertise to sawing and cutting the wood as well as for drying wood, at the moisture content and dimensions requested by their customers.

    Over 40 species available, the timber may be provided in log or lumber and is essential for the manufacture of numerous products in the furniture field, for interior and exterior floorings, for the interior (including decoration) and exterior cladding and for the implementation of structures and buildings in wood for the construction industry.

    Certified by the Forest Stewardship Council and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification ™, the bet of Globaldis follow in the direction to promote the FSC and PEFC certified wood ™ (coming from sustainably managed forests). These entities also ensure that the route of the raw materials from the forest to the final consumer is done in a responsible way without endangering forests.

    Tauari has moderate gloss and variable colour which includes creamy white, pinkish white and dirty yellowish white. Its appeal is acknowledged in areas as diverse as shipbuilding, furniture, household utensils, toys, musical instruments, packaging or panels. Some species have a tendency to turn blue and should be worked dry and protected from moisture.

    Durability: Poor
    Impregnability: Good
    Drying: No significant risks
    Arching: -
    Machining: No difficulty with special tools
    Finishing: Good
    Gluing: Good
    Nailing: Medium Adherence
    Bolting: -
    Veneer: Interesting in flat and uncoiled cutting

    Prezzi e condizioni

    Prezzo Su richiesta EUR per ft3 Convertire
    Vende a: In tutto il mondo


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