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Vendo Recinti - Pannelli Latifoglie Europee

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Tipo di legno massello Latifoglie europee
Specie Acacia
Origine Bulgaria
Tipo Recinti - Pannelli


Volume 1 - 10000 pezzi Spot - 1 volta Convertire
Trattamento No treatment required!
Dimensioni 1000-1200 mm* 5000-1000 mm
Coming from a farming background, we have been manufacturing and supplying the highest quality wooden fencing not just for the agricultural and rural communities but also for modern gardeners intending to secure property boundaries in style and with ease.

As a sustainable supplier, we pride ourselves on processing only the fast-growing acacia trees, which are ideal for all exterior projects due to their natural high density and resilience to adverse weather conditions. Sourced from European forests, acacia is an ecological hardwood which stands out because of its low environmental impact - its low carbon footprint, compared to its exotic competitors which are becoming more expensive due to rising shipping costs.

According to the British Standards Institution (BSI) and the Commonwealth Standards Network (CSN), acacia is the only European wood species that falls under Use Class 4 and is accordingly suitable for outdoor use in contact with soil and fresh water since it exhibits good elasticity in terms of stiffness, flexural strength and environmental impact resistance. Please note, Use Class 3 woods such as chestnut and hazel can also be used outdoors but they are not to come in contact with the ground - British Standard EN 335:2013.

The natural durability of acacia’s heartwood against wood-destroying agents such as wood decay fungi, insects, marine borers and bacteria has been tested and assessed, considered in BS EN 350:2016. In fact, it is the chemical substances found in acacia trees – polyphenols (more specifically, flavonoids) and radical scavengers that give the wood its natural durability and make it resistant to biological degradation.

* Fence height: 1.0 or 1.2 meters
* Fence length: 5.0 or 10.0 meters
* The fences can be installed individually as per customer requirements, they can be easily combined or shortened as required.
* The 5m-long fences are made out of 58 acacia wood sticks with a 5-7cm space in between the sticks.
*The 10m-long fences are made out of 102 acacia wood sticks with a 8-10cm space in between the sticks.
* Our fencing is assembled with 3 rows of 2mm galvanised steel wire, 4 strands per row.
* The lifespan of acacia wood is about 40-50 years when in contact with the ground.

* Please note, we offer quantity discounts.

* Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require more information!

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Scadenza di consegna In magazzino
Vende a: Europa



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