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Vendo Conservanti Per Legno Amquat SS 211 Maharashtra

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Tipo Conservanti per Legno
Origine India
Regione Maharashtra
Nome Del Prodotto Amquat SS 211


Volume 1000 - 100000 pezzi al mese Convertire
AMQUAT SS 211 is new generation wood preservative which is non arsenic and non chromium.
AMQUAT SS 211 is based on ammonical copper quaternary.
Ammonical copper quaternary wood preservatives are made up of copper which is a fungicide and quaternary ammonium compound which also augments the fungicidal treatment is a wood preservative.
Quaternary ammonium cations, also known as quaternary ammonium salts, quaternary ammonium compounds or “Quats”, are salts of quaternary ammonium cations with anions.
Water borne preservatives like AMQUAT SS 211 leave a dry paintable surface. AMQUAT SS 211 is registered for use on lumbers, logs, timbers, landscape ties, fence posts, decking, building and utility poles, land fresh waters and marine pilings, sea walls, wood shingles and other wood structures.


Very strong affinity for surfaces
Low toxicity and biodegradable properties
High biocidal capacity
Ideal for ground contact applications
Powerful surfactant
The quaternary ammonium compounds adsorb on almost any surface resulting in the formation of a monolayer
The quaternary ammonium compounds contain a hydrophobic group
Good wetting and adhesion properties.
Very effective against brown rot, white rot, blue stains, insects, molds, etc.
Penetrates deeply in wood and remain for a long time.
Environmentally advanced and friendly.
Do not contain arsenic or chromium
Provides same level of protection to wood as CCA or CCB preservatives
Highly cost effective.
Do not contain arsenic, chromium or other EPA classified hazardous chemicals.
Provide long term protection from rot, decay and termite attack.
Useful in environmentally sensitive settings.
Enhance worker safety.
Offers wide selection of treatable timber species.
Easily painted or stained.


Can be used by vacuum pressure treatment process.
One may use it by dipping process also.
Application by brushing requires minimum two coats.
For dipping process drying time should be 72 hours in open air.

Prezzi e condizioni

Prezzo Chiedi il prezzo
Incoterm FOB - franco bordo nave Nazione India Regione Mumbai
Scadenza di consegna In magazzino
Vende a: In tutto il mondo



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