Vedi tutti - Boules Offerte

Vendo Boules Pino - Legni Rossi 15 - 30 mm Polonia

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Tipo Boules
Tipo di specie Resinosi europei
Specie Pino (Pinus sylvestris) - Legni rossi
Origine Polonia


Volume 10 - 100 m3 Spot - 1 volta Convertire
Spessore 15 - 30 mm  Convertire
Larghezza 8 - 25 cm Convertire
Lunghezza 0.5 - 4 m Convertire
Sistema di classificazione Polska
Qualità Poland
Essicazione essicato a forno (KD)
Our company has existed for 20 years and we specialize in the trade of old wood. We bring a new life to the boards loaded with history. Our materials are mainly aimed at specialists in the sector who are looking for the best quality materials, singular and unique in the genre. Each element is the witness of a separate story that makes it completely unique in form, structure and color. We work with the following material: fir, pine and spruce. Each product is available in three basic colors: light brown, brown and gray. The dimensions indicated in the product description are approximate, as we prepare the goods at the request of the customer.

RAW BOARD DESCRIPTION board burnt by the raw sun
TYPE OF WOOD spruce, fir, pine
COLOR brown, gray, mix of color

Length: 0.5 - 4 m
Width: 8 - 25 cm
Thickness: 15 - 30 mm - Translated with google

Prezzi e condizioni

Prezzo Su richiesta EUR per m3 Convertire
Vende a: In tutto il mondo


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