Vedi tutti - Boules Offerte

Vendo Boules Pino - Legni Rossi 20 mm Polonia

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Tipo Boules
Tipo di specie Resinosi europei
Specie Pino (Pinus sylvestris) - Legni rossi


Volume 1000 - 3000 m3 Spot - 1 volta Convertire
Spessore 20 mm  Convertire
Larghezza 8+ cm Convertire
Lunghezza 50-190 cm Convertire
Sistema di classificazione Norme Scandinave TC (blue book)
Qualità A
Essicazione essicato a forno (KD)
The company from Poland - we have developed into one of the largest companies in the timber trade in Poland.

Reclaimed wood is a challenge for us and for you (as a customer) an opportunity to implement your ideas to realize a special ambience!

Your design ideas can be implemented with our products. Regardless of whether it is a ceiling, wall or floor, decorative elements to create a cozy atmosphere in the interior, suitable for the most diverse furnishing styles, and for your design ideas in the exterior area.

As a certified company, we guarantee top quality, fast delivery and absolute reliability.

Our aim is to make you (as a customer) an individually tailored offer that takes your requirements and needs into account.

In addition, we reward the loyalty of our regular customers with an attractive annual bonus that is based on the purchase value per year as a percentage.
Sun-burned reclaimed wood boards for decorative interior construction - e.g. for wall cladding - as well as for the outside area - e.g. for exposed roof trusses or sub-roof cladding - in large numbers ready for installation.

- Type of wood: spruce, fir, pine,
- Colors: mixed shades of brown
- Thickness: 20 mm
- Widths: 8+ cm
- Lengths: 50-190 cm
- 3 lengths in one display: 50cm, 100cm, 150cm

Various designs - with tongue and groove, trimmed in parallel, brushed, dried (see photos)

We also sell these boards in bundles of 5.

50 cm long, 8-12 cm wide or 12-16 cm

100 cm long, 8-12 cm wide or 12-16 cm

150 cm long, 8-12 cm wide or 12-16 cm - Translated with google

Prezzi e condizioni

Prezzo Su richiesta EUR per m3 Convertire
Vende a: In tutto il mondo


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