Prodotto |
Tipo | Scale |
Materiale principale | Legno massiccio |
Origine | Grecia |
Tipo di legno massello | Latifoglie europee |
Specie | Pioppo |
Specifiche |
Volume | 500.0 - 1000.0 m3 al mese Convertire |
Descrizione |
Wooden Ladders are manufactured in our factory from hand selected poplar lumber. They are available in different types and sizes. Our company fabricates a range of ladders, especially step ladders, which are hinged in the middle to form an inverted V, with stays to keep the two halves at a fixed angle. Due to the use of poplar lumber the ladders are light, portable and cheap.
Prezzi e condizioni |
Prezzo | Su richiesta EUR Convertire |
Vende a: | In tutto il mondo |
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