Prodotto |
Tipo | Rivestimenti per Esterni in Legno |
Materiale principale | Legno massiccio |
Tipo di legno massello | Latifoglie asiatiche |
Specie | Meranti, dark red (Nemesu, Seraya red) |
Origine | Malaysia |
Specifiche |
Volume | 100 - 10000 m2 (sqm) Spot - 1 volta Convertire |
Spessore | 20 mm Convertire |
Larghezza | 90 mm Convertire |
Lunghezza | 1800-5100 mm Convertire |
Qualità | Select&better |
Descrizione |
Description: Colour: sapwood is yellowish–grey and 4–8 cm wide, heartwood is pale pink to reddish brown.
Lighter pieces can occur that have been produced from logs originating in the southern growth areas. Dry density of the wood ranges with the density of the age–rings between 560 – 860 kg/m³. Dark red Meranti is characterised by uniform texture with slight graining. After drying this wood is dimensional stable, easy and clean to work with, shows evenly smooth surface, easy to apply surface finish. wood is supplied with moisture content approx. 16–18%. The contained substances may leak out from areas of fresh cuts and cause colouring of the walls. Therefore, we recommend to treat all cut edges with OSMO Wax for cut edges n. 5735. With Dark Red Meranti it is absolutely essential to use non–corroding fastening means. Natural light greyness after almost half a year of exposure to weather is normal and doesn’t affect its quality and durability. Colour differences between individual planks are natural and may be fairly visible. Wood density: approx. 560 – 860 kg/m3 |
Prezzi e condizioni |
Prezzo | Su richiesta EUR per m Convertire |
Incoterm | EXW - franco fabbrica (venditore) Nazione Repubblica Ceca Regione Prague |
Scadenza di consegna | Disponibile in meno di 30gg dall'ordine |
Vende a: | In tutto il mondo |
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