Prodotto |
Tipo | Perline |
Materiale principale | Legno massiccio |
Tipo di legno massello | Resinosi europei |
Specie | Pino (Pinus sylvestris) - Legni rossi, Abete (Picea abies) - Legni bianchi, Larice (Larix spp.) |
Specifiche |
Volume | 10+ m3 al mese Convertire |
Spessore | 20; 28 mm Convertire |
Larghezza | 16.5; 21 mm Convertire |
Lunghezza | 1500+ mm Convertire |
Qualità | 1 grade |
Descrizione |
Our products are made of wood dried to the level of 10-12% humidity. They are designed for standard tongue and groove assembly. They can be placed on straight and sloping surfaces. Their natural, bright color perfectly harmonizes with various arrangements. Each board is made with the utmost care and is suitable for varnishing or painting.
The elements complement each other precisely, creating an interesting and durable structure that makes the interior cozier. When choosing ceiling boards from the Kołodziej sawmill, you can count on the original decor and ease of assembly! - Translated with google |
Prezzi e condizioni |
Prezzo | Su richiesta EUR per m3 Convertire |
Vende a: | Europa |
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