Prodotto |
Tipo | Gradini per Scale |
Materiale principale | Legno massiccio |
Tipo di legno massello | Latifoglie asiatiche |
Specie | Rubberwood (Hevea) |
Origine | Vietnam |
Destinazione d'utilizzo finale | Stair Tread/Door Jambs/Handrails |
Specifiche |
Volume | 20 - 500 m3 al mese Convertire |
Dimensioni | T: 15-90mm W: 1220mm L: 2400-6000mm |
Descrizione |
AA; AB; ACManufacturer from Vietnam, producing Rubber wood finger jointed panel/ laminated board/ cutting boards.
Also we are producing furniture legs, stair treads, stairs, railings, hand rails, table top and cutting board/ chopping board. The common size of rubber wood panel is : 18-45mm*500-1200mm*max 6000mm. Contact us and we will give you a best price with an excellent quality follow your requirements. |
Prezzi e condizioni |
Prezzo | Su richiesta USD per m3 Convertire |
Vende a: | In tutto il mondo |
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